USReliaCard Login
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USReliaCard Benefits
The USReliaCard is an easy way for government agencies to provide easy, secure access to finance. For questions from the cardholder, visit the U.S. card holder website Bank ReliaCard.
As a government agency, costumer need a simple and inexpensive way to deliver payments on time. ReliaCard is that solution, which allows costumers to make payments efficiently while your recipients can access their funds securely.
Benefits of USReliaCard
- Reduce costs associated with paper checks or vouchers, posting, reconciling or replacing lost checks.
- Increase electronic payments with direct deposit
- Completes your existing deposit processes
- Benefits for your cardholders
- Eligibility for funds is automatically downloaded to their card as long as they are eligible, so there is no need to withdraw money or make a check
- Buy or withdraw cash and get cash from participating retailers wherever Visa® or Mastercard® debit cards are accepted
- Security if the card is lost or stolen with Zero Liability
Why choose USReliaCard?
Adjust your management and remove expensive paper checks, posting and reconciliation.
Recipients do not need to have a bank account or pay a check. Deposits are automatically made on the card, and funds are available for immediate use wherever Visa or Mastercard debit cards are accepted.
Extra value
We provide card holders with internet and mobile access, alerts, network ATMs, online billing payments and customer service.
We invest in data protection, fraud prevention and law enforcement programs needed to protect cardholder security.
USReliaCard Prepaid Card benefits to Government Agencies
- Child care
- Child support
- Health and human resources
- Housing authorities
- Pension plans
- Personal tax returns
- Temporary assistance for families in need
- Commercial rehabilitation assistance
- Unemployment insurance
- Workers’ compensation
How to Track USReliaCard
Once your state-of-the-art agency has approved your claim, it will contact us and send you a card within two business days. You must receive it within 10 business days.
You can check your card status at any time by visiting our card status tracker. It is found in all of our unemployment programs except the unemployed Arkansas. For information on processing unemployment claims or other government benefits payments, check with your provincial unemployment agency.
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How to activate USReliaCard?
You can activate your card on the ReliaCard website or in the mobile app.
To unlock your card through the ReliaCard website, select Renew Card.
To activate the mobile app, visit the App Store or Google Play to download the mobile app. Then select Set Access to Internet / Activate New Card.
Funds Availability on USReliaCard when it received?
In some cases, you may receive your ReliaCard before the money is loaded on the card. Your card will be funded within two to three business days after your inactive state agency approves your claim. You can monitor the status of your claim and payments by checking your regional website.
Sign up for Notifications to be notified by text or email when a deposit is accepted. Find out more about How to Keep track of revenue and other activities in my account query.
How to get access funds and cash from USReliaCard debit card?
There are several ways.
- You can buy anywhere Visa and Mastercard debit cards are accepted.
- Some merchants will allow you to receive cash when you use your card to make purchases.
- You can withdraw cash from ATMs. Check out the ReliaCard mobile app or usbankreliacard.com for a list of free ATMs.
What if USReliaCard account has been blocked?
We’ve put a fraudulent bridge in your account to protect you. There are two ways to remove it.
Use your mobile device to unlock the block within one to two business days.
- Login to verify.usbank.com/id.
- Upload a photo of your government-issued ID and a photograph that you have taken.
Use the cardholder website to remove the block within five business days.
- Enter.
- Select the document upload under the quick links.
- Click Account Blocking – you need more information.
- Select Start.
- Upload all the required documents in the command list.
It has been more than five business days since I uploaded my water documents.
What if USReliaCard account not unblocked after 5 Days?
It may be blocked because we could not read your uploads or you may not have submitted all the required information. We know this is annoying, but please try again.
How check USReliaCard Balance and Statement and other activities?
The best way to monitor your ReliaCard activity is:
- Sign up for email or text notifications.
- You will receive alerts about lower balances, additional payments to your account, transactions and more.
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B of A Unemployment Debit Card
To register with a cardholder website or mobile app, follow the instructions on activating your card.
You can also send the following text to 90831:
- Send “BAL” text to find out your balance.
- Send “TRANS” text to get the latest jobs.
- Text “HELP” to get customer service.
How to pay EMI, Mortgage payments, Bills or rent with USReliaCard?
Yes. Follow these steps:
- Login to usbankreliacard.com.
- Scroll to the top navigation bar and select Manage Money.
- Select Pay Debts.
- Select the company (payable) you want to pay from the payroll. If you do not find them, you can enter their name by selecting Add to Pay.
- Enter the amount you want to pay and select a payment date.
- Select the Update button and pay.
Plan your mortgage or rental payment at least five business days before the deadline. Find out more after signing in to your Bill Pay Terms and Conditions.
Why there is need PIN to access USReliaCard?
You do not need a signature purchase PIN to select Credit when making a purchase. However, you need one to buy a debit card and withdraw money from ATMs.
You will choose your four-digit PIN when activating your card.
How to Reset USReliaCard PIN?
Call the number on the back of your ReliaCard and reset your PIN using the default system. Your card may be locked after many attempts using the wrong PIN.
Time estimate to transfer funds to another account in USReliaCard?
If your plan allows you to transfer funds to another account, your funds will leave your account immediately. It will take about three to five days for the funds to be transferred to another account.
Does USReliaCard have a route and an account number?
No, it is not. The only issuing agency that can charge money on your ReliaCard.
How to return or replace USReliaCard?
- Follow the steps below:
- Call 855-282-6161.
- If the system does not recognize your phone number, it will notify you that you have entered a phone number associated with your card.
- Enter the last four digits of the card you wish to replace.
- Select reason for change:
- Select 1 to replace the lost card.
- Choose 2 instead of a stolen card.
- Select 3 to replace the damaged card.
- Choose 4 to update your name.
- Select 5 to order another card.
If you do not have all the details you need, you can choose the option to speak with a customer service representative for assistance.
What if I get a U.S. Bank ReliaCard but I have not applied for unemployment benefits?
US Bank courier to the USReliaCard only as directed by the state unemployment center. If you received a card but did not apply for unemployment benefits:
- Report a false unemployment claim immediately to your provincial unemployment center.
- Close your bank card.
- Consider placing fraudulent warnings on consumer credit bureaus. This is a free service that can be done online at annualcreditreport.com or by contacting any of the credit bureaus:
- Equifax: 800-525-6285
- Experian: 888-397-3742
- TransUnion: 800-680-7289
- Learn more about identity theft.
When do you need to notify a government unemployment center if you have not applied for unemployment benefits?
Your identity may have been stolen and used to file a false claim of inactivity. The government’s unemployment center will help you close a claim and make sure your tax information is correct.
What is 1099-G form and what if I did not apply for unemployment benefits. What should I do?
You can call an inactive state agency to report a fake claim. Follow their instructions to report the invalid 1099-G form.
If you have also received a USReliaCard, please follow the instructions provided in the question. Click here in case if you receive a U.S. Bank ReliaCard but you did not apply for unemployment benefits.
How to check USReliaCard Balance?
USReliaCard Card Helpdesk Services at 855-282-6161. USReliaCard ATM – know the balance of the U.S. Bank or a MoneyPass ATM.